
is a celebration of Art, Photography, Music, Fashion & Culture

In support of

Made with the great support of

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LiFest is a week-long festival celebrating Art, Photography, Music, Culture and Fashion in support of Yayasan Orang Kurang Upaya Kelantan (YOKUK), a non-profit organization committed towards improving the quality of life for the disabled in Kelantan. LiFest involves the participation of contemporary Malaysian artists and photographers, where distinct works of art will be exhibited and put up for sale to the general public. A significant part of the proceeds will be donated to YOKUK to ensure that it is able to continue its work, as it has been doing for the last 13 years. Among the artists and photographers participating, they include Awang Damit Ahmad, Fauzulyusri, Yaman Ibrahim, Kurt G and many more as listed in this catalogue.

Many other events have also been lined up to add to the festivities of LiFest: book launches, musical concerts, ballroom dancing, the Wearable Art Fashion Show and Hi Tea, and many more. This is made possible with the help of a variety of organizations, groups and individuals, who have come together to place their support behind this event. While indeed this is all to raise awareness for the less fortunate, we hope there is something here for everyone to learn, enjoy and experience.

YOKUK has been involved with more than 3500 disabled persons and their families in Kelantan. It provides rehabilitation services in the form of therapy: such as physiotherapy, sensory therapy, riding therapy, hydrotherapy and sand therapy. We also provide welfare services and full time vocational training for young adults/school leavers especially those with various forms of learning disabilities. Every month, we visit about 80 homes of clients who have no transport to seek such services. A free transport system called "Mobil Penyayang" is made available, where clients receive assistance to enable them to get to hospitals, the Welfare Department and other destinations. In addition, there are our monthly gotong royong projects, which involve working with members of the community to repair their homes. As a training resource centre, we are a platform for those involved with the disabled community and work very closely with hospitals and Government bodies within the community.

To provide these services professionally requires significant financial support. Hence, your contribution towards the work we do, and your support for LiFest, is greatly appreciated.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees for YOKUK, I would like to thank everyone who has come together in so many ways to make LiFest a success. We hope that the array of art, music, fashion and culture on display will not only stir your interest towards the arts, but towards your environment and community.

Datin Suliana Shamsuddin Alias
Chairperson/Executive Director
Yayasan Orang Kurang Upaya Kelantan